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07/14/06 6:59 AM

#214089 RE: pantherj #214084

Why isnt this a asset?????????????

Due to the indisputable evidence of large numbers of failed deliveries in this stock, CMKM elected to distribute the 45,000,000 shares of Entourage stock to all bonafide shareholders in what was described at that time as a windup distribution

indisputable evidence

Main Entry: in·dis·put·able
Pronunciation: "in-di-'spyü-t&-b&l, (")in-'dis-py&-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin indisputabilis, from Latin in- + disputabilis disputable
: not disputable : UNQUESTIONABLE <indisputable proof>

not questionable : INDISPUTABLE <unquestionable evidence> <unquestionable integrity>

What part of this dont you get????