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01/29/16 12:17 PM

#243483 RE: F6 #243481

F6, that was satisfying to say the least!


01/29/16 9:26 PM

#243502 RE: F6 #243481

Neil Degrasse Tyson at his BEST - The Great Debate - The Story Telling of Science 2013

on sharing of past breaths .. impressionism .. Van Gogh .. background in painting ..


Best of Neil deGrasse Tyson Arguments And Comebacks Part 1

brief notes, being careful not to ruin it for anyone

UFOs (argument from ignorance), blame? no, burning need to not to be ignorant of, or my feeling a need for certainty v science and scientists .. eyewitness testimony, in science v court of law (in Personal Development we did the exercise many times as/with pupils, hope y'all did, too) .. on naming of optical illusions (his position brought to mind my position on Trump and the final debate, sluck thunk) .. modern photographs .. orographic clouds .. .. yeah, lenticular .. BIG BANG THEORY & God (billboards, bumper stickers) .. 12:15, a good image of the BBT .. elements of human body, of universe .. cell phone use .. uncertainty of measurement .. cell phones as cancer cause .. God responsible for undiscovered phenomena?, issue? "progress and discovery" .. thoughts of his experiences among powerful Republicans (he had two consecutive appointments in the Bush administration, which, of course, goes to say that in itself does not define a person) .. the Dover trial .. .. future economies dependent on? .. Nobel prize winners (1100AD!) .. fini ..

just 'cuz i felt like it .. i love Neil Degrasse Tyson's emotional involvement manifest in his obvious enthusiasm for life
.. btw, that makes him, though he wouldn't be aware of it, imm, a real, solid, not wonkish at all, woan .. lololol .. grin ..


02/05/16 7:20 PM

#243834 RE: F6 #243481

Neil Tyson tired of God

.. some myths deserve to be broken .. i don't care what anyone thinks .. that's freedom in America .. it's when you want
to teach it in school as a science, then... .. the educated religious people are happy with science .. that video runs into ..

Richard Dawkins Conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson at Hayden Planetarium

.. our brains are not wired for logic .. great to watch two very unlike people who are on the same page re the important things ..

See also:

The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Pale Blue Dot: [THE SAGAN SERIES]

Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes' [with much more]


02/19/17 3:57 AM

#265220 RE: F6 #243481

Cavs’ Kyrie Irving: The Earth Is Flat, And ‘They’ Are Lying To Us

He’s not quite sure about dinosaurs either.


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