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01/20/16 4:16 AM

#156948 RE: hogman_5 #156947

Lost track of him. He should be out by now, but a 2015 article implied he was still serving time. The SEC added $1.21 million in penalties and $1.5 million in disgorgement on his back as part of their civil action in 2012.

His roots were in Missouri but he probably burned a few bridges there. He was doing his time in Leavenworth.

Gotcha Sucka

01/24/16 1:17 PM

#156959 RE: hogman_5 #156947

My "world surveillance" on him has sort of dried up.
Last I heard he and that incredibly awful scumbag former COO (perhaps the biggest POS ever to plop down into the whole extended GTE-SNSR-WSGI cesspool) who also should have gone to jail and who was posing as a wealthy industrialist from California were peddling municipal wifi to several towns in and around St. Louis. By the way, does anyone know if he and his little flyspeck manservant ever paid their fines?