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01/19/16 1:39 AM

#128138 RE: Ducati74 #128137

I said nothing about Telimidicine. I have no idea what you are talking about.

What I said is I would hate to see some young and naive people lose their money if they invested here because of a guarantee of a poster.

What if he is wrong? Could happen you know.

I just don't like to see absurd posts here guarantying huge profits.

There are young and naive people reading this message board. Granted it is up to them to be responsible, but seeing pie in the sky and moon shot posts might make them invest money they can't afford to loose.

Young and naive readers of this message board might not know any better.

Just saying......I would not want it on my conscience if I mislead them wrong and cost them more than they could afford to lose.


01/19/16 9:25 AM

#128156 RE: Ducati74 #128137

One aspect of telemedicine that has been in use quite a while is
its use in the ER when someone is being brought in for "Involontary Commit" Most states require that the patient be assessed by a mental
health professional prior to an IC. As mose ERs do not have this type of staff it is often done by telemedicine. You simply put the patient in a room with a nurse and a computer connected to a Psychiatric professional who does the assessment, It has broad reaching uses I the public that are only being examined recently.
Consider being able to connect to a computer with a Face Time type
display and allowing your child to have the Dr examine his throat for strep throat ,then send your prescription to your pharmacy and
you pick it up later that day. No Dr visit and a reduced cost to you.