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01/18/16 12:49 PM

#92706 RE: Westorious #92697

Paid TBEV consultants and athletes.

The owners are contractors to TBEV .
They are not committed at all to even work full time according to filings. Shows no commitment imo to live this as the owners say.
As contractors/consultants to TBEv they could receive funds and have according to filings .Read and do the math DD you will see some large numbers.very large for millions spent to produce 5000 cases of product at a cost of 29k It is I am sure how they pay there IR guy as well. Where did all the money go 5 plus million spent ????
Athletes are under contract only 7 or 8 as filings show... BTW Read that paragraph closely. The Owner stated 15 in video not sure who they are no one has ever seen them or heard of them in 18 months.Is that a TBEV embellishment or lie .relevant I think.
3 year contracts for In my opinion nothing but the use of there name and likeness.just a opinion based on history of over 3 years of athletes doing nothing .Yes 3 of them tweeted a few times .
I think they all have sold their stock long ago after some kind of holding time commitment.imo


01/18/16 2:44 PM

#92709 RE: Westorious #92697

For the athletes, I've seen the word "restricted" in some filings, but there are also filings that don't say their shares are restricted.

TBEV can give them as "restricted" and lift the restriction the next day.

Shares given for "professional services" to "consultants" and to the noteholders are usually freetrading. Don't remember "restricted" being used for those shares.