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01/15/16 1:58 PM

#443870 RE: Evintos #443867

We,are now,at the ceiling folks. Historically everytime we break through that firewall, we bounce right back off of it. Almost like a trampoline, it is an imaginary wall, but it is real and has always bounced us back up. The markets are in turmoil, stocks are falling faster than the "birds that happen to fly near the Duck Dynasty guys blind."

I have refrained from commenting on here for awhile, because

1. I am busy
2 Does no good
3. I am watching other investments
4. Nothing to talk about

Now, every WMIH investor needs to "look at the big picture and that is "targeted companies are getting cheaper." Which means, the BOD will watch the carnage happen and "strike when the iron's hot!"

I do not know how long this correction will last, but I do know 2 things.

1. I have my powder ready to pick up some good deals on Fortune 500 companies.
2. I am buying KKR after it finishes its plunge.

I encourage everyone to get some dry powder, so they can pick up some good deals. I means Disney is even down and they have almost hit the 1.5Billion mark on Star Wars. This market is now following the same trends as it did in 2008. Pay attention hold the powder and,wait till the correction is finished and "Make some $$$$$$!!!!!"
.Happy Investing