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01/12/16 7:18 PM

#61342 RE: rifmemory #61339

Im glad you did your DD and now see the truth behind TPAC.

Helter Skelter

01/12/16 7:36 PM

#61354 RE: rifmemory #61339

SEC doesn't know about it.

I now believe there was no "Buy Back" of shares by TPAC as we would ordinarily define buyback. I believe there was a conversion from "Common" to "Preferred" to satisfy some very savvy inside investors at the expense of retail investors (whether intentional or not, after all it's "buyer beware" with pennys). I believe it started many months ago and is done for now until and unless the stock is knocked down again to 000's. I suspect this is on the very fringe of legal, but legal none the less. Obviously, IMHO, TPAC management has no guilt feelings about this, after all that is one of the methods by which pennys survive, and the SEC has no heartburn with it or they would say so. Some of us here have learned an expensive lesson in penny stock trading. Such is life. GLTA
