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01/08/16 11:18 AM

#68763 RE: edbi46 #68762



01/08/16 11:38 AM

#68768 RE: edbi46 #68762

Here's some "food for though" for you.

Why would this company hire a FDA knowledgeable lawyer to do their 510K?
Why would the FDA lawyer leave something out causing up to a 180 day delay? And thus stopping the clock?
"we have all the clinical data ready"
"basically all we need to do is put a postage stamp on it and send it down to them".
"should get clearance this year"

A think you and allot of other BIEL investors have been snowed.
This company is the only one doing all the lying here.
One of these days the investors here in this company that are left will finally realize it.