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01/07/16 8:47 AM

#6 RE: diy_investor #5

Now I have got to recalc since it might actually be worth buying.

I need to take a close look to see if the $84 million per year in cash flow is realistic, since if it is there might be value here.

One thing I did not take out of the number was depreciation. Even though it is not a cash expenditure, something should be deducted for depreciation.

Louis J. Desy Jr.

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03/02/16 11:42 AM

#7 RE: diy_investor #5

Very little will be left for common shares

It looks like the common shares are getting some part of the new shares plus warrants.

The problem is that it looks like so little is left that I expect it to only be worth less than a penny from what I can tell. It looks like over 90%+ of the new equity is going to all of the other classes that are higher in priority.

There was a Jan 2016 operating report filed but it looks like the company is losing money still.

Louis J. Desy Jr.