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01/06/16 12:09 PM

#111 RE: mick #110

ObamaCare Extended To Policing Gun Ownership318 Comments


01/05/2016 11:09 AM ET

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"If you like your gun, you can keep your gun" is definitely not anything you'll be hearing from President Obama soon.

You may never have thought that a simple visit to the doctor could lead to the FBI breathing down your neck, but the president's new executive actions on gun control could lead to just that, mortally wounding the long-established presumption of doctor-patient confidentiality.

Obama's directives apparently trump long-standing federal rules preventing doctors from disclosing mental health matters. Now the executive branch will "expressly permit certain HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) covered entities to disclose to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) the identities of individuals who are subject to a Federal 'mental health prohibitor' that disqualifies them from shipping, transporting, possessing or receiving a firearm."

Currently, if a doctor discloses a patient's private information without that patient's authorization, the physician could be sued for malpractice or invasion of privacy. The president now apparently wants violating that confidential bond to be treated as an act that promotes public safety.

And the question of "mental health" is entirely subjective. If you tell your doctor you woke up Monday morning feeling like killing yourself, or that your spouse made you mad enough to reach for your hunting rifle, will that warrant a call to the FBI? Will a federal SWAT team then pounce, just in case you have a gun or two in the house? Such law enforcement overreach is by no means an outlandish scenario.

The ObamaCare database, it turns out, was only the beginning of this administration's violations of the medical privacy of Americans. Now doctors are set to be enlisted in the nation's federal gun police

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01/06/16 12:18 PM

#112 RE: mick #110

O oh tables have turned. .. Will be ok now???

Trump says Cruz’s Canadian birth could be ‘very precarious’ for GOP

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
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11/11/16 8:24 AM

#113 RE: mick #110

Mick Trump won thank God I cant post on your board due to the fee. I am not going to pay for it no more. Sorry but I just dont have the time no more and have no interest. I get my info more on free fb pages I will pop in once an while. Take care