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06/03/01 1:37 PM

#3984 RE: Bird of Prey #3983

>>Personally, one ad at the bottom of a message, mixed in with "hot topic" message ads, is an excellent setup.

SI has 4 ads per message. (all images)
RB has 10+ ads per message. (mostly images)
IH has 1 ad per message. (just text)

To me, I think that's pretty cool. ONE text ad per page. And that's only on the Message List and Messages. Currently, no ads on Favorites, home page, discussion lists, etc.

And if I do see some interst in the idea, I will offer an ad-free option.

Plus, I am going to be spinning interesting articles and posts (about the general market..not certain stocks)..So the text ads could be interest to read anyways.

Looking at other sites, our pages look the cleanest. One image (logo). One ad. And the rest is content.

I'm also still considering the idea of the "hot" Chairman idea. I am thinking of going with 5k posts on your board and you have the ad-free version & 10k posts your directors have ad-free version. *MUST* be a stock-related board, too.

Just thinking out loud.

Off to the river. Amazing day down here in Florida!