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12/29/15 5:05 PM

#49013 RE: CherryTree1 #49009

Not sure that I get your point?
Since it appears that one cannot cast an AGAINST vote, I assume that what you are saying is that if NW would have cast his 25,915,937 shares these could then have been added to the 9,017,855 votes Withheld, for a total of 34,933,792 Withheld.
The Total Votes cast (assuming no other changes) would have been 51,340,822 + 25,915,937 = 77,256,759.
In this scenario, LP would still have 42,304,837 FOR votes, which would represent 54.8%.

What would NW accomplish by voting? Likely would not be able to swing the votes sufficiently to get her booted out? And even if he hypothetically could, that would destroy the Share Price.
And if he votes against LP then this would be seen as a vote of no confidence by him, so again this could hurt the Share Price badly.
So "why bother" voting? He would not accomplish anything, and likely do harm to his position.

The me try to go slower and step by step to help you understand.
92,358,027 = the total of shares of common stock (not the number that voted)
42,304,837 = if this is the number of votes cast for LP and it represent 82.4% then the total votes cast 51,340,822 = 42,304,837 FOR votes + 9,017,855 votes Withheld
double check by dividing 42,304,837 by 51,340,822 = 0.824 (or 82.4%)
again this is simple math
66,730,776 = 42,304,837 FOR votes + 9,017,855 votes Withheld +15,408,084 "Broker Non-Votes.

so I am not sure what you are confused about. If you want to do this with the votes cast instead of the total potential votes that could have been cast we can take a look at that.
If NW had voted against LP with his 25,915,937 shares the best LP could have done if the same 51,340,822 votes were cast is 50.5% (25,915,937 divided by 51,340,822). She would have barely squeaked by and definitely would have been no were near the 82.4%.


12/29/15 6:37 PM

#49023 RE: CherryTree1 #49009

How do I "vote against"? I didn't see that option. Please explain.