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12/23/15 6:25 PM

#156904 RE: Q-reus #156903

Q, I'm curious...

"Maybe I am being naive, but I just can't believe that those other GlobeTel execs would deliberately tarnish their reputations and knowingly involve themselves with such an association. My thought is that they took on the task of delivering this company to the world, but the intricacies and unforseen obstacles associated with getting the final product to market have taken down some well intended people."

I realize there may be exceptions. But at this point, over the long haul, do you think investors were done in generally by well meaning folks that couldn't get the job done or shady characters that didn't care about anyone but themselves?


12/23/15 10:01 PM

#156905 RE: Q-reus #156903


Pardon me, but it's people like yourself that EPITOMIZE the kind of "investor" who have invested in this company throughout its storied history.

It's INCREDIBLE to me that ANYONE could still believe that the bunch of thieves that have run this thing down thru the years MIGHT have been legitimate and might STILL consider that "There have been conspiracy theories associated with this company; and now I'm beginning to subscribe to that possibility or tie-in to black-ops". Tie INTO BLACK OPS!? HA!

Come OFF it! This company BILKED the investors and believers for as much as they possibly could. Shyster after shyster took control of it, spun different tales, changed the name to throw off the STENCH of crookedness, sold off the only parts that MIGHT have been legitimate....they did it all. AND THRU it ALL, people like yourself still drank the cool aide.

I mean really...anyone who can't see the true picture here NOW has got to be one of the most blind and trusting people in the entire world.

Poster after poster here (yes, including me) warned against exactly what has happened. We were the JERKS and the NON-BELIEVERS at the time. We still are the JERKS, but only because we were proven ENTIRELY CORRECT.

Because this is a truthful post and the truth has seldom been allowed to stay seen on this board, I haven't a doubt this post will be deleted by Pagan.

And that really is too bad.