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07/08/06 4:08 PM

#4324 RE: rstar #4320

I will also add that I really hope that all of you screaming this "how many shares do you own?!?!?!" business are really not that friggin' stupid. Any information somebody offers up is completely unverifiable, and as such, means absolutely nothing. Yet, we have some holier than thou folks on this board questioning folks about the particulars of their investments as if this is some type of Grand Inquisition. Laughable.

Somebody offers up they don't have any investment and they continue on this board anyhow, then sure, by all means, accept that as true and wonder aloud if they really do have a life.

But to scream like a little child "What is your Agenda?!?!? Do you own any stock?!?!?! How much do you own?!?!? When did you buy it?!?!? For how much?!?!?!" Is honestly just about the very apex of stupidity.

I personally own 99,999,999,999 gazillion shares and I got them at .000000001.


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07/08/06 8:43 PM

#4372 RE: rstar #4320

Well, I don't know where this stock is going, and I'm not going to make any calls on that yet since I don't have any proof otherwise.

But as far as your observation of Way Truth Life is concerned, I hate to say it, but I think you're right. He's said quite a few things on this board so far that don't add up. He's said that he's bought this stock from 0.06 onward, yet he seems to be unphazed throughout the whole averaging down process. Every post he's made so far has been basically relaying information from Larry to us telling us to hold on and great things to come. Every god damn post he's made looks like a "putting out a flame" type of post where he's basically trying to get us comfortable with the pps drop... Every post where you seem remotely frustrated at the PPS dropping, you share the same view as Larry, must be flippers or shorting... You never once entertain the possibility that it could be dilution... Infact, if someone suggests dilution, you're quick to come back with another call from larry saying it isn't... So over the weeks, this guy and Larry have gotten to be good pals, thinking on the same plane...

And then one day "He was very short with me at first and even called me one of the flippers." ... Makes very little sense for him to suggest you are one of the flippers when you have spoken to him for such a long time and he pretty much regards you as one of the longs. And on that note, I really don't think it is really considered flipping if you're flipping for a 5% profit or a 5% loss... This stock has been consistent in dropping and it isn't a stock to flip at its current state... Plus if people turn around and sell, can you blame them? Maybe larry should focus more on his business than watching the L2 quotes.

Also, just curious, EQBM is the only board you seem to be posting on... Almost everyone on this board has posts in other forums, you're the only one that has posted only on EQBM... Why is that? Is this the only stock you have your hand in? For someone who's new to stocks, you've got a little under 2.7 million shares huh? Tell me, when you started posting on this board you had 2.7 million shares, you must have a lot more than that now right? What's your total share count right now, because the last time you posted your share count was over 2 million (have to assume you're still under 2.7 million shares)... Then tell me why this whole time you've been spouting from the beginning, all through out the drop, Buy BUY BUY... GREAT PRICES... BUY (not in those exact words, but the underlying point is pretty much the same)... and you've not bought one share... oh because you feel you've got enough shares huh?

Well either way, I don't know what your agenda here is WTL, just pointing out the obvious... I'm still giving this stock a chance, not bailing yet, but you worry me... I'm sure you'll come back with "You're a basher" or "How can you be right, I even exposed a pumper once" (by the way you should go back to that post, you exposed a pump attempt and came back with a pump of your own...

"I talked to the CEO and he told me immediately your were full of it and that there was no buyout. He also said he clealry stated there was a Joint Venture they were doing with a long term partner."

Anyhow, your intentions might be good here WTL, its just a sneaky way of going about what you seem to be doing IMO...