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07/08/06 9:02 PM

#4374 RE: PokerVertigo #4372

All the longs here, including myself, bought shares in this company on pure speculation. We are all hoping what we have heard, read, and spoke about comes to light! There are no fundamentals yet and we sure didn't go long from a T/A stand point. The bashers here may be right and the longs may be right in the end. We will see within a month who was right so please everyone stop acting the way you are. As of now there is nothing to pump or bash because nothing has been proven either way. Some of you have wasted a lot of time the last few days defending and bashing for no reason, unless you are getting paid for it. Relax and let this materialize.


07/08/06 9:18 PM

#4375 RE: PokerVertigo #4372

That's a beautiful post, PokerVertigo. You deserve some type of award.

Extremely well done.

As an aside, I'm not sure if you saw how incredibly hyper-defensive WTL got when I -- as a total newbie -- simply asked how it was that he came to speak with Larry. Anyway, with the benefit of hindsight, and your amazingly illuminating post, his hyper-defensiveness definitely appears to seamlessly fit into the puzzle.

Have yourself a phenomenal rest of the weekend PV, and thank you for taking the time to thoroughly piece things together and help shed some crystal clear illustrative light.

'Preciate it.

Way Truth Life

07/08/06 10:43 PM

#4382 RE: PokerVertigo #4372

Poker and others, get a grip.

You have picked and chosen what you want to read and relay. Lets set the record straight. I have bought shares in this stock as high as $.04 and bought some as low as $.004. I have said this on many occassions. Maybe you only remember the posts about buying cheaper shares, but I have said repeatedly that I own over 2.6M shares, and am seriously underwater. If anyone wants to dispute those facts and the truth then go get the posts to show I have said something different. I also have never sold a share and regret that to be honest. I really thought we were headed back to $.10 on that previous run to $.05 and let that chance to trade in and out slip away. However, I also still believe that if Larry has told me the truth abou the various projects then we very well could see those sorts of levels again. If he is lying then obviously we will not.

Then you say I am unfazed about the drop in price? Did I say that. I have said I am not happy at all about the price. Show me where I said I am content or happy about the price and then you speak the truth. Don't confuse my even keel nature with being happy about the price. I hold myself accountable if I lose money here and am not a girlie girl about investments when I make stupid decisions and lose money. Overall my goals are to have more winners than losers and have some winners that are big runners. I win some and I lose some but overall I have hit on some very big winners.

Then you say every post I make is relaying something from Larry. Do you really think that is the truth, or are you exaggerating quite a bit? If someone wants to go back and check out my posts then please give a count of how many of them are relaying what Larry said. I don't need to check to know they are in the minority. Your statement is a lie as stated. I have relayed what Larry has told me on some occassions. Why do I call Larry? The answer is because I am not happy with the share price and wonder what is going on like the rest of you. I have gotten several PM's from others telling me to not worry about those criticizing my posts and continue to relay anything I hear. I question Larry very hard if you want to know the truth. Why did he call me a Flipper the one time? I have no idea other than he overreacted to me questioning him very hard and might have been agitated at calls he might have taken from others prior.

So, I have some that get mad if I post what Larry has to say, and others who tell me they want to hear what he has to say. Wouldn't it make sense to let everyone know what he says and then let each person decide whether he is telling the truth or not? I for one am really interested what happens this week. He told me point blank about meeting in NY with the China principal to get things finalized. I am holding him to committment big time. If he crosses me I will not whine and complain like the girlie girls on this board. I have enough money invested here that I will make sure he would never fleece other investors like this again. I have searched the Interent for specific things and found very little on Larry to date. It would be a huge mistake if the China and Ecuador deals are phoney and he has been lying to those who have invested a lot here and who have trusted him the most.

Regarding why I only post only on the EQBM there is an easy answer. I do not post on many Internet message Boards. I only recently found out about IHUB through trying to find out more about this company and stock. I seldom venture into the land of Pink Sheet stocks for all of the reasons that are frequently discussed here. I found out about EQBM through another investment that I have and it piqued my interest. I originally had no intention of posting here on this Board until I saw false things stated from others that said they had talked to Larry. Some should remember that it was me that called bendolan out for trying to falsely Pump this stock by claiming Larry told him they were trying to sell the company. If I was trying to pump this stock falsely I could have let that go. However, it bugs me when people falsely bash or pump a stock. Final point on why you only find me on this Board is because most of my investment are in larger Nasdaq stocks and I believe it is unethical to be pumping a stock I own on other stock boards. Some of you who are whining about pumpers are the actual pumpers IMO. Those who go yaking about EQBM on all these other Boards are doing Pumping IMO. If I have something to say about EQBM I will say it here and not try to lure others on other stock Boards. You people are crazy who are trying to twist this point and make it a bad thing. The ironic part is if Larry is telling the truth and does close the China deal this week, and if the stock price goes back up then I have a strange feeling that some of the biggest bashers here will be the biggest EQBM pumpers on other Boards. Do you disagree with that opinion?

I could care less what you or others think my agenda is. It is nothign more than what I have stated as truth. I own a lot of shares and I still believe in Larry and EQBM whether that is right or wrong. If I believed the worst like many of you then I would have sold a long time ago and quit posting here. If I thought Larry was lying to me and being a sleaze bag I would get a lawyer and I would be going to the SEC about it. I know one thing I would not do and that is stay around a silly Board like this if I did sell out and whine and complain like a little girl. Right now I am down big on my position and am holding Larry's feet to the fire about doing as he said he would do. As long as that happens I believe I will be rewarded as a shareholder. I gave Larry no credit when the stock price climbed to $.05 when I was holding and I am not yet ready to blame him for this drop either. In time if he is proven to have lied to me and others then he most definitely will get the blame for this drop.

If I were CEO here I would most definitely do things a lot differently. I believe websites are important and I would make sure that stuff was working and fixed. I would also do many other things differently as well. However, I am not the CEO and Larry is. As a shreholder all I can do is voice my suggestions, concerns, and complaints if need be. As the CEO Larry can choose to blow me off, listen and consider, or maybe even do something a whack like me suggests. If I think Larry is the whack job then surely I would be out of this stock quicker than I typed up this post.

I will leave it at this vertigo. I will let the Board vote whether they want me to continue to post here or not. I will let it go until noon on Monday. I will count each post from each poster and take a yea or nay from each person. To be honest posting here is a waste of my time. While there are some investors I find intelligent enough to converse with and share info they seem to be in the minority now. Maybe there is a silent majority out there and I will let them voice their opinion for me to go or stay. If I am voted to leave then I will even delete my IHUB poster rights.

Go ahead and vote everone. Yea for me to stay, or nay for me to go. Let the majority rule. On a final note for those who were wondering my id is from John 14:6 from the Bible. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man can get to the Father but through me". I do hold truth to be most important thing. Some other Christians already figured out that id and PM'ed me about it. Thus, if you are anti-christian then feel free to vote against me on that fact as well.