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12/20/15 11:14 PM

#116076 RE: poopscooper #116074

according to your numbers (650K-750K) they would need to SELL 6-7.5B just to pay for 'promotion'.
I'm not disputing that number, just pointing out that without allowing the SP to run (ie. April 30/14 when the CHILL was lifted), it doesn't make sense to me that they would still be here, IF THERE IS NOT A "PRODUCT(S)" which they are preparing to bring to the market.

The above figure does not include the 25K (plus legal) for the court case which they lost (THANKS TO PINO) (another 250M+ shares).

NOR does it include the legal expenses of fighting TWO CHILLS (the last one was 2 years). Cost unknown

NOR does it include the paper work involved in the 'special meeting' to rectify the O/S in order to get the second CHILL lifted.

NOR does it include the 'regular filings' and NRs over the last 7 years.

NOR does it include any Salary or Expenses for ANY 'CEO' or other 'member of the PYCT team'

We do know ALMOST 27.0B shares have traded in 7 years. LESS than 2% of those ABOVE .0001

The CHILL was lifted supposedly because DTC was SATISFIED that everything was OKAY with the O/S being 27,785,264,936 (lowered by 100M since then)

TO ME, since we past the first CHILL, it was lifted because the DTC was satisfied, and the ONLY SHARES ADDED SINCE THEN were satisfied by the 'lifting of the second chill' (2014); I would conclude that they agree with the number of NEW SHARES ADDED

Issued & Outstanding as of Dec 31,2008:=======19,650,331,340
Shares for DEBT=($40,000.00)=====================400,000,000
Shares returned from AUDIT=====================2,200,000,000***
Shares returned from AUDIT=======================124,014,285***

Shares for DEBT=($16,092.00)=====================160,919,311
Preferred to Common=(180K Preferred)===========1,800,000,000
Preferred to Common=(65K Preferred)==============650,000,000
Given to Liani for continued FIN Support=======3,000,000,000
Issued & Outstanding as of Sept 30,2011:===== 27,985,264,936
3 Separate BUYBACKS since Sept 30,2011:==========300,000,000

Issued & Outstanding CURRENTLY:============== 27,685,264,936

*** not new shares since 2008

If 'the company' DUMPED ALL THE NEW SHARES ISSUED SINCE 2008, (even selling at .0001 (and not UNDER .0001) as some claim, it would not pay for IR, never mind all the other expenses.