My question is this: Why does cheap energy kill so many stocks that should be booming with the additional use of affordable fuel?
Not sure of myself here but the word "contango" comes to mind. It's not necessarily the cheapness of energy that is killing things. I think it's the uncertainty, the fear of things not holding up forever and ever that is killing things. And I view this as the time for us to be making moves---our moves independently of those others contemplate and might---just might make---someday.
People tend to get stuck in their own mud borne of indecision or, at the least---a lack of an intellectual barometer. Without fixed patterns by which to navigate, many will flounder and probably give up. Contango is essentially (I know YOU know this) the uh-oh! factor with angelic wings attached admonishing investors for their willingness to think out of the box and stand there with conviction.
None of us can hope or expect to read the future, laden with its uncertainties. So we could try to do our best and hope it's OK in the end. But more likely, most will opt for going with the crowd as it's easier than resting on one's own laurels that might be filled with burrs. And we can always blame the crowd, the other guy...anything but take personal responsibility.
You pose good arguments. Underlying, though, is the indisputable fact that not all people begin to understand, care to even try, or are capable of factoring all that needs be digested in order to find balance. This is at least part of why we (the collective version of "we") continue to elect deficient souls to positions of power. Fancy hairdos and ridiculous behavioral tendencies will always Trump good sense. lol