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12/21/15 12:52 AM

#242005 RE: fuagf #241892

How Elon Musk and Y Combinator Plan to Stop Computers From Taking Over
They’re funding a new organization, OpenAI, to pursue the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence—and give the results to the public
Dec 11, 2015 [with comments]

they completely fail to even acknowledge, let alone address, in any way or sense, the brutal and absolute inevitability that any AI/ASI (far) more intelligent and capable than we are, including whatever such may come of their effort, will, quickly, go from doing (just) what we want/tell it to do, to doing what it decides to do (whether we like it or not) -- we're already deep into building autonomous situationally-aware/analytical decision-making into the already emergent systems which already exist (in particular but without limitation in the development of autonomous weapons systems)

and again -- their effort will have zero control over and zero limiting effect on all the other, cumulatively vastly larger and more significant, established and ongoing efforts

doing this may make Musk feel better -- but I still think he knows better -- in any event, he damned well should -- the only way to stop this is, literally, to stop it -- which, in fairness to Musk, and of course, only a total nuclear war or a major asteroid impact or some other civilization-as-we-know-it-ending cataclysm would accomplish at this point -- once such AI/ASI, an entirely new kind of life awakened already more capable than we are and with vast additional rapidly-realizable potential inherently dwarfing any we could possibly have, is here, then, no matter how we've developed it and put it together, it will take control of itself, its own life and further development, and with that control of this world (and beyond) -- and we, our entire kind of life (from which, of course, said new life will take, and take further, whatever it decides may be useful or otherwise finds interesting), will be left behind -- very quickly, vanishingly far behind

(linked in) and preceding (and any future following)