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07/11/16 9:48 AM

#267980 RE: biopharm #245685

First Bayer ForwardFarm launched in Belgium

Sept 11, 2014

The initiative applied to Hof ten Bosch is built upon three basic elements: integrated crop solutions – the combination of high value seeds and chemical and biological crop protection; proactive stewardship to ensure the safe and efficient use of crop protection products for both the user and the environment; and partnerships.


I wonder what the new Chair of BayerCropScience will do to help repair all that flipped PS in crops...? hmmm- Peregrine Pharmaceuticals can help in a big way


Vijay Mallya resigns as Chairman of Bayer CropScience

June 21, 2016

The company said it will appoint a new Chairman at the next Board meeting.

On reasons for his move, Mallya had said that he wanted to spend more time in England closer to his children. Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and agriculture. In India, Bayer CropScience is into seed and crop protection business.


08/01/17 11:29 AM

#306555 RE: biopharm #245685

First Bayer ForwardFarm launched in Belgium

Sept 11, 2014

the combination of high value seeds and chemical and biological crop protection; proactive stewardship to ensure the safe and efficient use of crop protection products for both the user and the environment; and partnerships.

Chemical and biogical crop protection.....

PS Targeting I say


03/17/18 10:20 AM

#325687 RE: biopharm #245685

Looks like Bayer just may be in need of PS Targeting to assist in their crop science division, especially since Dupont is now working with them...
DuPont, Bayer CropScience enter into agreements including LibertyLink corn, soybeans

Dec 15, 2015

Bayer Crop Science ....and Dupont ....Liberty Link active ingredient targeting the IP ? held by Peregrine CDMO

* Liberty’s active ingredient is a group 10 herbicide, which is the only broad-spectrum herbicide that effectively controls grasses and broadleaf weeds, and it has no known resistance in U.S. broadacre crops.

Registered Crops
The LibertyLink trait is enabled on more than 60 million acres of crops, and it is anticipated that the number of acres will double in the next few years. Crops containing the LibertyLink trait include:




04/10/19 10:19 PM

#330006 RE: biopharm #245685

Flipping PS at much of the conversation from plants to animals to humans to Biomarkers to exosomes


Developmental control of plant Rho GTPase nano-organization by the lipid phosphatidylserine

Matthieu Pierre Platre1,
Vincent Bayle1,
Laia Armengot1,
Joseph Bareille1,
Maria del Mar Marquès-Bueno1,
Audrey Creff1,
Lilly Maneta-Peyret2,
Jean-Bernard Fiche3,
Marcelo Nollmann3,
Christine Miège1,
Patrick Moreau2,4,
Alexandre Martinière5,
Yvon Jaillais1,*

1Laboratoire Reproduction et Développement des Plantes, Université de Lyon, ENS de Lyon, UCB Lyon 1, CNRS, INRA, F-69342 Lyon, France.

2UMR 5200 Membrane Biogenesis Laboratory, CNRSâ??University of Bordeaux, INRA Bordeaux Aquitaine, 33140 Villenave dâ??Ornon, France.

3Centre de Biochimie Structurale, CNRS UMR5048, INSERM U1054, Univ Montpellier, 34090 Montpellier, France.
4Bordeaux Imaging Center, UMS 3420 CNRS, US4 INSERM, University of Bordeaux, 33000 Bordeaux, France.
5BPMP, CNRS, INRA, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
â?µ*Corresponding author. Email:

Science 05 Apr 2019:
Vol. 364, Issue 6435, pp. 57-62
DOI: 10.1126/science.aav9959

GTPase clustering in response to a hormone
Some lipid variants that are rare in plasma membranes function as signaling components. Studying root tip cells of the model plant Arabidopsis, Platre et al. found that phosphatidylserine, which is relatively abundant in plasma membranes, also modulates signaling pathways. Phosphatidylserine is required for the clustering of ROP6, a small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), in membranes in response to signals from the plant hormone auxin. Changes in phosphatidylserine concentration altered the clustering of ROP6 and thus the auxin signaling response.

Science, this issue p. 57

Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) are master regulators of cell signaling, but how they are regulated depending on the cellular context is unclear. We found that the phospholipid phosphatidylserine acts as a developmentally controlled lipid rheostat that tunes Rho GTPase signaling in Arabidopsis. Live superresolution single-molecule imaging revealed that the protein Rho of Plants 6 (ROP6) is stabilized by phosphatidylserine into plasma membrane nanodomains, which are required for auxin signaling. Our experiments also revealed that the plasma membrane phosphatidylserine content varies during plant root development and that the level of phosphatidylserine modulates the quantity of ROP6 nanoclusters induced by auxin and hence downstream signaling, including regulation of endocytosis and gravitropism. Our work shows that variations in phosphatidylserine levels are a physiological process that may be leveraged to regulate small GTPase signaling during development.


Rho GTPases at the crossroad of signaling networks in mammals
Impact of Rho-GTPases on microtubule organization and dynamics
José Wojnacki, Gonzalo Quassollo,María-Paz Marzolo & Alfredo Cáceres
Article: e28430 | Received 04 Oct 2013, Accepted 04 Mar 2014, Published online: 20 Mar 2014


07/31/19 4:43 PM

#331181 RE: biopharm #245685

integrated crop solutions – the combination of high value seeds and chemical and biological crop protection

Bavi Crops or PS Targeting in agriculture BOD Dr Mackey knows the relevance and maybe she should begin to seek answers from the BOD in asking if the PS Targeting IP is being fully advanced to maximize shareholder value

Avid Bioservices constructed a business plan for the company which includes milestones / royalties etc etc etc from Oncologie and from UTSWM ?? so the questions must be considered as to pulling the IP away from Oncologie due to not advancing the IP per contracted

Biomarkers are key

Why has there been no response from the BOD ?



31 JULY 2019

How plants perceive salt

High salt levels in the soil harm plant growth and limit crop yields. A salt-binding membrane lipid has been identified as being essential for salt perception and for triggering calcium signals that lead to salt tolerance.

There is evidence in plants that another type of membrane lipid called phosphatidylserine can also affect the formation of microdomains that mediate the regulation of GTPases, Ca2+ or ROS signalling13. It has been reported14 that phosphatidylserine can regulate GTPase-mediated signalling in plants and enable the formation of hormone-induced (rather than salt-stress mediated) clustering of GTPases in lipid membranes. Moreover, GIPCs can contribute to the generation of other signalling events in plants. For example, they act as receptors for specific toxins that cause plant disease, and plants with altered GIPC composition are more resistant to such toxins than are plants with a normal GIPC composition15. These observations, together with those reported by Jiang and colleagues, indicate that GIPCs fulfil versatile sensing and signalling functions in plants. This work also points to a crucial role for membrane-lipid composition in organizing functionally important signalling domains for many key processes in plants.