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12/11/15 3:40 PM

#169207 RE: Donshub2 #169202

Your don't have to convince me on Heyward, although he will make them better, and the plus about him is he is 26 so he should be good for most of that contract if not all of it. They needed lester. They got lackey to improve, they need pitchers, and pitchers cost money. you can't throw the guys they did in game 3 and game 4 last year. Chicago is a big market it is okay that they spend money I wish the mets would realize that. I like the moves, but the big move should be to bring in Cespedes back, and they are not gonna do that. And lost in the shuffle. walker money was matched by trading Niese so in reality what did they actually spend. Drive me nnuts that they won't get the big bat. Here's a thought mets TB is making Jake mcghee available how about you go after him, you could use another guy in that bullpen.