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12/08/15 8:42 PM

#46775 RE: TZOR #46745

At first blush it does appear that Linda did everything requested. So what's the big deal, right?

Well, we know that Woodford requested the appointment of Leary to the BOD to head up an investigation into the Phase 5 report. That was the big news a couple of weeks ago, remember? We were finally going to have an independent investigation, led by a new director not affiliated with NWBO during prior years when certain activities in question may have occurred, to clear the air of all the allegations of impropriety and malpractice. Great news, we can finally put certain concerns to bed forever. Eliminate those things the spinsters love in their aresonal.

Well, today we learned that NWBO is on top of it. They acted swiftly just as Linda promised and created a special committee to conduct this investigation. So have they appointed an independent party to the bod to lead the charge as Woodford requested? But don't worry the special committee doesn't need to wait for that. They'll get started right away. These fraud detectors won't leave any stone unturned in pursuit of the truth. Wait, isn't this special committee comprised solely of two current nwbo directors, who have been employed by NWBO for years? (yes I know the law firm will "assist") Linda probably signs their checks. What motivation do they have to disrupt their current paid positions? Oh well, no worries, I'm sure it's just what NW had in mind. Nothing to worry about.

Maybe my view of this is much too cynical. It does make me very uncomfortable that LP seems to be thumbing her nose at Woodford. What do you think happens if Woodford bails, pal?