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11/30/15 11:44 AM

#1601 RE: Quantum Sound #1597

Didn't know that I ever had credibility with you nor do I particularly care whether you think I am credible or not.

If you look beyond those generalizations I think you'll see some valid points that remain unaddressed:

1) What are Greg Halpern's education credentials? His LinkedIn profile suggests he has one or two years at Indiana University, so I am presuming that he did not graduate? Sorry, but that is a major concern. This isn't some tech startup where it's okay to have a young dropout CEO...the CFO should have at a very basic level at least a bachelor's degree, and preferably a Masters in Finance, Accounting, or Business Admin.

2) Z-Trim stock price went up on a lot of hype, but what happened in the long run? It collapsed, and he is no longer with the company.

3) Going back to appearances, it does matter to some extent. Warren Buffet has the ability to wear what he wants and people won't care, but as an investor I want to know that the people running this company are professionals. His attire does not indicate that. Call it superficial, but so far Halpern and the others have not done anything to create shareholder value. The stock is trading at .02, how much money are these guys collecting in salary? Do you really think one or two sales agreements that may or may not materialize are going to make up for all that debt?

4) It doesn't seem kosher to have the CFO also serve as Chairman of the Board. Where is the oversight and accountability? What happens if the CFO needs to be replaced? Should make for an interesting board meeting...

But go ahead and defend Halpern and the CEO all you want. We are all entitled to our opinions. So far, I was right about the lawsuit and Google having the stronger argument. And I think I am right about this management team being inept....not because of how he looks, but his appearance, demeanor, and seemingly a lack of education all factor in to why I think there are better CFO candidates out there. And CEO candidates, too.

Tell me, what is it about Mr. Halpern that makes you so confident in his abilities? What has he demonstrated so far, lawsuits aside? Do the company's balance sheet, financing deals, etc, appear solid to you? If so, then I am afraid you have lost all credibility with me.

This company needs to win those lawsuits. Then, it would be best for the CEO and CFO to step aside, let a better management team take over, work out better terms with the creditors, and properly market this technology so it can become an industry standard. How many people out of 100 do you think have even heard of MaxD technology? Maybe 1, if that....