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11/27/15 10:11 AM

#115885 RE: lemon #115883

Hey lemon ,over on StockFlock they sure are promoting the name change symbol change as the change that will change everything for the better.

Sort of like when they were promojobbing the Chill lift was going to be the change.

They also claiming daily that the shorts will be fried/ruined/BK when this name change happens...and of course pumping all should be buying at 0001 and .01 will be next stop.
The shorts will be buying it up tooo 01...easy

Crazyjerry is promoting 5000% upside easy overnite!!!

IMO same company same story same monkeys will be dancing in the streets

Here is a list of 100 companies that have changed names and symbol
Notice anything?
Notice anything in common?