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11/25/15 11:04 AM

#16228 RE: spin1 #16227

With the majority of the other Fuel Cell companies at least we know they have a product ( very basic necessity ) to sell and do sell.

NEAH has timelines they themselves has set that they don't meet. Events that they announce in PRs that they do not follow up on. mergers that they announce that fizzle into obscurity.

When things like these happen, shareholders are left to think that the only reason for the PRs is to sell stock not announce events or milestones.

NEAH themselves announced commercial availability of products that actually aren't available, blame the corporation, not the investors.

Here is my favorite: Dated 3/10/14 " NEAH To Send Latest Version Of BUZZCELL to Consumers and Commercial Partners for product Feedback"
It was announced later after the fact that they were sent "Mockups"

Nice...and professional...not a working fuel cell but a mockup.

Comments ? Explanations ?




11/25/15 11:16 AM

#16229 RE: spin1 #16227

Constructive criticism, here goes.

Keep the website current, actually include information and basic statistics of your products. Directing the public to the website at the end of every PR for more info and then not providing it creates distrust at the outset.

Innuendo is not your friend, if a deal falls through, announce it and get it off the website, silence on a subject is not the answer.

If NEAH expects to sell the "FORMIRA" products they will have to go a significant way towards providing a solution for making the fuel available.

