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11/23/15 5:23 PM

#65393 RE: Mogwai #65391

You asked for examples, HDG gave you a couple, then you disqualify them as being part of a Hep C drug bubble? Obviously GILD's beancounters thought that PII drug had major potential, right or wrong - if they didn't think they could get a good ROI they wouldn't have paid that much for it.


11/23/15 5:28 PM

#65394 RE: Mogwai #65391

MOG, get a rest and stop repeating ur self for f^%k sake...if u know people who work in IB, or use ur typing skills {most probably the only skill u have} and Google some info about BO in pharmaceutical sector, it is mainly based on multiple of market sale potential. As simple as that. Same as banks usually are looked at or valued or analyzed in terms of price to book value (Google book value pls), same goes for bio company and highest expected sales potential, take a multiple of that, discount it, take off debt....etc, divide that by total outstanding shares, u get ur BO price. So if x, y or z value V with their statin as a combo drug at 100 million or 1billion, 10 or 100 billion....their offer will based on that....and if that means a 500 or a 1000% premium, it will easily be sold to their board.
Adding to that, u r seriously out of ur mind and living in ur own world if u think that this will stay at 1 or 2$ before any talks of possible merge or BO....boy, this will run up like crazy and in some cases with a short squeeze it might surpass the Rumored BO price....this is the most I think I ever wrote on ihub, but u seriously need to get a life with ur daily bu*^%#hit


11/23/15 5:59 PM

#65401 RE: Mogwai #65391


I wouldn't consider these Hep C buyouts anywhere near the "norm" given the unique situation they were all bought under.

What do you think? If R-IT will be stopped early (it will mean at least 24% RRR) or will be successful at final (it will mean at least 15% RRR) Vascepa would be one of the add-on to statin therapy drug or THE add-on to statin therapy DRUG. Will the BO be near to "norm" or not ...?

btw: you forgot to explain how the private companies could be BO'd without the necessary market value (and premium) ...



11/23/15 6:16 PM

#65404 RE: Mogwai #65391

Mogwai, You Are Disturbing the Board Peace

So quit it - we can't handle the truth!

We all want to continue believing in Amarin and Vascepa, no matter what the current stock price indicates.

Ohmmmm.... Ohmmmmm....

such peaceful igbliss :-)