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07/03/06 11:14 PM

#13890 RE: derf1 #13888

I see...... You can't read a chart.


07/03/06 11:29 PM

#13894 RE: derf1 #13888

Pumpers claiming a $2.00 intraday high.

While IDWD claims a unsolicited buyout at 3 times the opening price, from a company no one can verify.

Closest I heard was someone pointing at a Texas company. A quick google on that suspect would shown a couple litigated "failure to close" court documents. Didn't see that pointed out, but didn't really expect it.

And in terms of working math skills, if IDWD hit $2, which it didn't, that would be more than tripled...which it didn't. Didn't double either, however close it may have come.

By the by, for the uninformed. Please feel free to present a court case proving stock price manipulation by a "basher". I can't seem to find one. But the exercise in educating yourself will most likely present you with hundreds if not thousands of proven (civil) and convicted (criminal, but we have already seen one of those, haven't we?) "pump and dump" cases.

Not to mention the education one might receive about even finding a broker that would allow a margined short on a penny pinkie.




07/03/06 11:36 PM

#13895 RE: derf1 #13888

The HOD on my ST steamer today was at $2 briefly, and then $1.28, until it they were both removed and replaced with $1.21. Not sure if the first two were errors, some sort of weird fat-fingers, or what, but derfs assumption isn't wrong because he can't read charts, it was stated as $2 briefly as more than just one person saw it, and I personally saw the $1.28 posted.

Cow-Post was from another board, was it a personal attack? I'm not obligated to comment on another boards rules and/or enforcement. Please refrain from copying and pasting posts that do not directly contribute to the discussion of the stock such as your removed post. tHanks.