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11/20/15 10:54 PM

#3048 RE: eshety #3046

Looks fake to me. If they have a patent it is meaningless until the patent can make $$. There are thousands of useless patents that do nothing for companies.


11/21/15 12:12 AM

#3049 RE: eshety #3046

Likely no patent.
Software can be subject to copyright and usually is.
Anybody seen their software for sale (that you could actually buy)?


11/21/15 5:50 PM

#3051 RE: eshety #3046

U.S. patent law excludes "abstract ideas", and this has been used to refuse some patents involving software. In Europe, "computer programs as such" are excluded from patentability, thus European Patent Office policy is consequently that a program for a computer is not patentable if it does not have the potential to cause a "further technical effect" beyond the inherent technical interactions between hardware and software

Software copyright is used by proprietary software companies to prevent the unauthorized copying of their software. Free and open source licenses also rely on copyright law to enforce their terms.