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11/20/15 7:17 PM

#30642 RE: doubleaa #30641

They did throw a bone

Let me remind everyone of this post from 102915:

Here is the Post that was made Wednesday night(102815):

Mr Fosgitt

"Wow. Congratulations to NG. I can't imagine signing a contract for $60B dollars. Too bad there is no use for a DGU on a bomber!"


"No. But there are plenty of other installations that can use our Deployable Gasification Units.
Please Message any updates. The lack of info or news is really hurting.
Thanks in advance."

Private Message:

"Mr. "Tradeinman", I presume you are a Cirque investor and one of the I-hub bloggers?

I understand your frustration with the lack of information, because(but? sp) I assure you that no one is more frustrated than we are that we cannot say what we are doing.
Please trust that we are working tirelessly to bring forward a very exciting future for Cirque Energy and the shareholders.
We are on the cusp of being able to make major announcements, it just takes time....and plenty of fortitude and patience.

Best Regards,
Rich Fosgitt

Private Comment:

"Yes. I am a large shareholder and look forward to great things together with you and the Cirque Management Team.
Thank you for the information. I feel much better now. Can I share your message?"

Private Message Today:

"Sure, I think that is OK"