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11/20/15 2:27 PM

#41568 RE: Darth Trader #41567

LOLOL! MW has never cared for anyone but himself. As for the facts of the case; MW has all his friends trying to get Energy Supreme LLC to settle. Why would he do that if he thought he/IFUS was going to win? The answer, of course, is that he wouldn't. But, he is in an all out panic because he is being personally sued as well as being sued as head of the Corp.

MW just filed BK last year, meaning he can't file again for six long years. He knows he has deeply offended Mr. Adelstein & Mr. Scivoletto by sending his attack dogs to harass them, stalk them and threaten them. Therefore, MW knows it is a certainty that A & S in turn will pursue the money judgment against him to the ends of the earth.

God Bless those who are resolute in standing up for what is right and not knuckling under to cheap intimidation.

As for the insiders who still support MW; I would expect no less ... until the moment MW turns on them to save his own carcass.


11/20/15 3:54 PM

#41569 RE: Darth Trader #41567

I just got a fresh order of IFUS Intact digest bottles in today direct from IFUS. I ordered a bunch of the bottles for Christmas gifts!!!

What a great idea for all IFUS customers to do. Share the health for the holidays!!!