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11/12/15 4:33 PM

#6067 RE: Milesblue42 #6066

Now that is an interesting bit of information there Milesblue,...

And with the ~15.6 BN (according to E-Trade's current feed) shares out there,.... and no way for the revenue to even remotely cover the upkeep just to keep the lights on,..... let along keep the company afloat,....

This particular boat is serious been taking on some water.

Also on an interesting note,.... today's volume was a measly 765K shares.

765,000 / 15.6 BN * 100 (to give a percentage) = 0.0049% of the available shares trading today,....

Average volume the last 10 days was 4,189,256 shares,..... and has been dropping fairly steadily over the last couple of weeks,...

Looks like this share-selling gravy-train has started to peter out big-time,...

Have been saying for a couple of years now - since I finally got out (amazingly enough with a teensy profit) - that eventually the only choice management is going to have is to declare bankruptcy & forfeit their IP (about the only thing they have worth anything at all) to their creditors,....

Shareholders silly enough to still be holding this one are going to find out what the term 'total loss' looks like IMO.

Old Shatterhand

11/12/15 7:31 PM

#6070 RE: Milesblue42 #6066

And that's connected to XDSL?