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11/11/15 8:04 PM

#440620 RE: Evintos #440619

Evintos, I know quite a bit about his case. Read what i said again and pay attention to what I have underlined. Just because his claim is about a mortgage does NOT mean he was also NOT an investor in former WaMu securities.

Evintos, all he is trying on doing is reopening the WaMu case through the back door most likely due to investing wrong. I can safely bet my life that reopening this case will NEVER happen. The powers-that-be worked very hard to black-out this case world wide in print/media and allowing this filing to gain traction would lead to re-opening this case. If one thinks they have a chance, well that just shows how very naive and clueless one is in reality.

There are no do-overs and no doubt the real reason is because one does not have our beloved Escrow Shares.


11/12/15 12:09 AM

#440634 RE: Evintos #440619

WHY is Kareem's legal-action against WMILT & not WMIH (or JPMorgan or FDIC-R)??? It is because his action concerns his foreclosed mortgage written by WaMu before bankruptcy... Therefore incidentally, Kareem's bk court filings also provides judicial evidence that the bankruptcy court assigns legal provenance of at least some mortgages originated by WaMu, to now be the concern/liability of WMILT... it's just a matter of how much $$$ are these mortgage assets worth now! KA-CHING $$$ imo