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06/29/06 2:03 PM

#125442 RE: TREND1 #125439

Sorry Larry, it really is painfully obvious the degree with which you don't get it ... and I am not talking about Wave or Wave's chances or products.

Open Standards are created when groups of companies decide it is in their collective best interst to generate a standard. In the case of the TCG TSS (which seems to be the only thing you are talking about) yes, folks can write "to that standard".

It doesn't make what they wrote public domain.
It doesn't mean that what they write does/does not leverage entirely proprietary IP.
The open standard provides a scaffold which hopefully allows a market that previously did not exist, to exist.
One can also write code to entirely proprietary interfaces.

Again, there is no difference, per se, in your discriminating between a product that writes to an open standard interface and one that writes to a proprietary interface. In either case one writes code that others can compete with. What they wrote is in both cases entirely proprietary. The purpose of the standard is the recognition that it takes too many companies to get a real new market to explode, so they agree on some rules. TCG has a number of "rules" and it seems you focus completely on the TSS (as that is the interface to which Wave's CSP addresses). But there is a catch larry, Infineon has done exactly what you said, written a CSP that addresses a TCG compliant TSS ... and guess what, it doesn't work with anybody elses stuff.

The proprietor still has to write good software, having it communicate with a standards body defined software stack alone is not enough. The proprietor is at liberty to incorporate as many of their own inventions into the communicating software (the CSP in this case) as they choose. Others can try to duplicate those efforts, and if they are careful about patent IP, copywrite, TM, and so on ... they might generate a competing product.

Wave's CSP is a TCG-compliant *proprietary* enabler. Wave has leverage imbedded proprietary components of Wave's CSP for use by other Wave prodcuts and services. Essentially, Wave has built a vertical proprietary solution into a standards-based layer. Others can try to do that, with all the aforementioned disclaimers etc fully applying.

Could somebody provide an interoperacle CSP ... likely so ... and its worth about a nickle to them, tops! So why build it? Wave's CSP supports Wave products in other areas, I doubt one could write a CSP that enables that support without Wave suing them. Wave's CSP has public standards parts, and very private parts. Replacing Wave's public parts gives you next to nothing (and ain't worth the investment). So to replace Wave you need to replace CSP *AND* KTM ES AD, EAS and so on ... cause those make calls that are private, and people going there would have to RI the whole thing or reinvent the entire wheel. Will somebody try? Sure, but this is miles from the trivial replacement of a CSP that you seem to opine towards.


Dig Space.