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10/24/15 10:44 AM

#84782 RE: carsalesman #84777

I think I like your number 3 the best might cause me to buy a few cases myself


10/24/15 11:16 AM

#84789 RE: carsalesman #84777

I think I like your number 3 the best might cause me to buy a few cases myself


10/24/15 11:57 AM

#84800 RE: carsalesman #84777

All you have to do is be patient and don't look for a get rich flip and you will be ok. Don't invest what you can't afford to lose and what the stock or co. Does short term won't matter


10/24/15 12:00 PM

#84801 RE: carsalesman #84777

THE facts are the TRUE point re TBEV

TBEV... Avoid the noise and look at the facts and we shall do that right here

1. Product is selling on retail shelves in NJ and on Amazon
True one small good local store with 3 other afiliates
2. #1 Selling Product on Amazon
True for 2 or 3 days only a bit misleading I think to many
3. #1 Nutritional dink supplement on Amazon
True It is there own catagory again a bit misleading many think
4. More cases ready to send to Amazon.
According to the company on social media maybe happen
5. $50k in Gross Sales in 3 short weeks.
True big hiccup with Amazon sent many away looking for product not avail then
6. CDs retired
According to PR no proof yet in filing
7. Equity line of $5 million dollars
no proof yet no filing similar to past faied attempts
8. $450k bridge loan for next run, distribution and marketing
No proof yet similar to past failed attempts
9. Peter Busch of Anheiser Busch heritage on advisory board and he owns one of the largest distribution companies in America. Look at their website and you will see the number of non-alcoholic beverages they distribute.
Good man TRue
10. More Flavors Coming
As in previous PRs many of which did not happen
11. PRs coming at beginning of week
12. Social Media campaign in full court press
False company has not started their marketing campain as of yet according to TBEV PRs
13. Professional athletes endorsing product and others about to come on board
True heard CEO state their were 15 and some on phone waiting and only a couple of 8 on website actually tweeted only about TBEV not realy endorseing in the true sense because marketing campaingn not started yet
14. Early 2016, widespread "Coast to Coast" distribution and shelf space
False has not happened yet and is similar to false starts on previous PRs
15. Press coverage from many sources
False and partialy true misleading quite a bit. No real press coverage from any large outlet or online main stream sources Yahoo only picke dup a bit included wit hother pr info on other companies

Why would anyone report other than facts? It is easy to figure
It is easy to use words that say number 1 for example without qualifing it The product was only it for a couple of days eluding to something bigger than it realy is much like the PRs from TBEV

If this was a pump and dump, there would be pump and dump companies pushing this. TBEV is not participating or condoning those actions.
True for now not a pump and dump in the typical sense but hideing in plain sight to sell shares .Something from a AG office many companies hide in plain site as a Ruse so they actually have a phrase they use now as called Hideing in plain site investigatiions.found online AG of US

Low TRIPs are locked up by Long Term investors!
False if a lender decides to convert it can and has gone to 0.0001 and no one can state that shares are locked up or know who has what

This is still a great buying range for share price.

Now ask yourself this.. Wouldn't you rather be in the stock at this low price for minimal risk? Or, would you rather chase next week?

The Facts are real!!
Everyone knows that facts are actually things that have happened in the full content not just a sound bite of we are number one etc see above details

Remainder is just wishfull thinking and Hype
TBEV is on the verge of "Epic and Legendary " things for us and the company.

This stock will make you Wealthy. Do you have the patience?

TBEV Rocks!!


10/24/15 1:00 PM

#84818 RE: carsalesman #84777

Please remove this post till tuesday afternoon awaiting profits and additional funds to clear monday and this excellent post may cause its own buying frenzy so from a fellow TBEV long repost tuesday afternoon lol