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Alias Born 06/14/2013

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IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 98
Posts: 11,038
Boards Moderated: 1
Alias Born: 06/14/2013 02:01:45 PM
Personal Info
Age: 39
Location: Lorton Va
Investment Philosophy: Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. Any questions about my posts email me axaflaxar or call 703-675-3962.
Occupation: Business Owner (Soap and Detergent manufacturer), Real Estate Investor, Landlord
Hobby: Weight Training, Boxing, comic collecting, video games, Realestate
Teaching Sunday School to 1 and 2 year olds.
Favorite Links:
Favorite Quote: Heroes Get Remembered But Legends Never Die
"I will teach the few. And the few shall teach the thousands that remain" muadib ,frank Herbert's dune circa de 1969
Person I'd Like to Meet: Frank Herbert and William Nickerson
Favorite Team: Redskins
Default Signature: " You woulda if ya coulda but since you haven't ya can't"