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10/16/15 10:42 AM

#3124 RE: hampstead #3123

Ron is right. The company does not have that many shares left to sell. Most of the OS is held by insiders, and they are not selling for reasons best known to them. The few shareholders in RHCO are not willing to sell at current prices either.

What we have here is a gridlock.


10/16/15 12:19 PM

#3125 RE: hampstead #3123

That really sums it up doesn't it, "he's not worried". Why should he be? However, look at that last page of the current annual report. There are 10 individuals or companies totaling 70,700,000 shares that appeared to do business with RHCO and accepted or agreed to Private Placements of Stock as payments for ?services or perhaps their businesses??? If you remember or look back at old financials you see these were valued at anywhere from $.05 to $1.00 per share. I would think all these accepted these shares expecting a higher share price as well as a market to exist to trade or sell them. If Ron is planning to do future deals with stock, one has to wonder what result this cancellation of 70.7 million shares of previous deals might have on future negotiations! As well as the Millions of dollars that were never paid to RHCO as agreed to in the Private Placements and how that would have benefited the company and shareholders.