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All this is good news. Disappointing that the stock price is unaffected. Thanks for sharing Coodb.
September 30, 2024 Financial Statement
Profit of $462,025 for the quarter (9 in a row without posting a loss).
Still shows former CEO owning 53+ million shares. Was told this was to be canceled/clawed back so asked about and found it was ruled in RNCO's favor but Richard K appealed ruling so that is why. They say he has no case and just matter of time.
Also this news:
Well, company has released positive news over past month or so. Their website almost always has news at or before shows up on OTC Markets. Just check:
We get any type of update from company, BOOM .05pps :)
181k shares today... nice!
Just getting started :)
Sounds positive! Even a little volume lately.
More good News!
Expansion of Readies to Asia, South America and Africa Markets with Additional Alternative Payment Methods
Bit tough to follow, but sounds like he's positive for the long term... however that is defined.
Got a reply but not exactly to my question. I'll just post it as is (remember the translation is an issue).
"Good morning
it's only on the Long term the gold mine for the people how understand the biz and the company .
In the last years the company has done every thing
communicating the markets
it has cost lots of money but it never had the result so the management is convinced by now that On the OTC it is next to impossible to make people enthusiast other then the standard pump and dump stories so they have been taking all the hurdles what has been a hell of a job but they will uplist to QB and from there see how the market will react."
Yea, same here. Definitely no liquidity!
Yea, thank goodness I am not depending on this for my future financial security. I do occasionally talk with someone that owns about a million shares that I heard from today regarding a post I made yesterday on another stock we own. Told him I had earlier today sent message to former CEO (Ronald S) about the good news, "since there are millions of shares owned by investors that "You Know", can't you convince some to occasionally buy and sell a few shares to show people there is some interest in the stock". I have introduce many people to this company and although they see the potential, no volume prevents them from investing due to lack of liquidity.
Good to see, but beginning to think this isn't going anywhere sadly.
For what it is worth, News today. Was told new CEO is much younger and was very instrumental in writing CODE for "READIES". Still doesn't matter for share price if there is no trading in the stock.
lmao News Yesterday and 1000 shares have traded, brilliant :)
Hey CoodB, I don't at all feel like your trying to encourage buying, I'm just glad to have someone to talk to about this stock... seems no one else knows about it. lol. There was a bit of buying yesterday, and I picked up a handful more in my Roth. Look forward to any news that may stir interest in this thing. Hope all is well!
Hey Jax!
Since just you and me here. Asked Ron few questions yesterday. There have been some management changes that company will be making PR soon. Also, he said some good news should be coming hopefully this weekend. I think you know I am not trying to get you or anyone else here to buy shares. I'm just trying to keep a few people informed as company does not do a very good job.
Thanks for sharing. It's good to see their stuff being used.
Nothing new on why no trading in stock. Ron did recently answer my questions with a long detailed update and as always seems promising but has not resulted in anything with the stock.
Here are a few examples of what they are up to: "READIES" is the online payment system they developed. For an ex: Here is an online site that is using it:
Here is the Co./Site they acquired last year that allows buying/selling "Readies" as well as other Cyrptocurrency:
And wait...
Agreed... and we wait.
seems there are not many investors these days for small caps. everyone is a short term trader that are use to trading with no commission. As long as RHCO is only Pink, (and cost me $6.95 per trade), Just cannot see much volume all of a sudden. Watched a few stocks less than 10 cents trade over 1 Billion shares recently. but, most trading was for only 1-2 pennys, but commission free. do not know how to overcome this issue as it up to company to take the next to uplist..
Not sure how to generate interest and agree with your comment on volume. And, living long enough is a concern at my age. 😜
Jax You are correct. If you look at the past 4 Qtrs positive earnings, it adds up to about $..01 earnings per share. Being a growth stock one could expect at least 20-25 PE share price or $..20-$.25 . I just do not know how to get this info out. sent to a few investors but they are all waiting to see volume which I have told this bunch many times over past years that without any trading volume, investors in US are not interested as there is no exit when one wants to sell. Guess we will see if we live long enough.
That's a good story. It seems just based on this, the stock price should be higher.
Have now posted 7 consecutive Quarters of Profit. Amazing is still a $.02-$.03 stock. Some day some will discover this company. Generating Revenue (and growing), Posting a Profit, Never a R/S or Offering to Dilute shareholders.
Sept. 2022 Net Income of +$54,316
Dec. 2022 Net Income of +$822,343
Mar. 2023 Net Income of +$1,886,501
June 2023 Net Income of +$2,170,460
Sept. 2023 Net Income of +$363,079
Dec. 2023 Net Income of +$622,351
Mar. 2024 Net Income of +$837,741
Practically no volume and in the past it was usually me picking up a few more shares. Not sure what would peak interest, maybe profits.
Sent Ron message yesterday about "No trades" even after news. That US investors have no interest in stocks that have no volume and (well I said a lot more).
He responded they are "aware and working on it". I really don't know what that means. But, he told me last year they had spent a lot on trying to promote the stock but it was wasted money. I do not know if that is the plan now or not. Ron always answers my questions but the answer is usually very brief.
Good to see some news.
lol a glitch in the matrix.
Ok that was weird, screed is back to normal today. Think maybe time for computer upgrade:):)
Hey Jax, This site seems to have changed format and I cannot seem to find out how to go back to old screen. Not sure I will be able to post anymore as I was only able to open your message and reply to you. I also post about RHCO on Stocktwits so you might look there. If you know how to go back to old screen let me know how although not sure I would ever get your message.
With PINK status restored, understand the auditors will pick up "where they left off" this week to prepare to upgrade to OTCQB.
Trying to find out more about the Finexeble trading platform and when actually live. Will not be available in US but if they can generate income, I do not care as world is a big place. Lot of opportunity out there...
Great new, thanks!
RHCO went back "PINK" today. Expecting 1st PR as soon as tomorrow.
Thanks Coodb. Been in this stock for many many years. Would be nice to see positive news and price appreciation.
Something to read while you wait.
Attorney Letter w/ respect to current Information. 4/5 to OTC
Also, Following site should go "Live" as soon as this week.
Have been told company has done everything OTC asked so hopefully we hear something this week.
Thx for the update.
When "yield" goes "pink" and it will, Several PR's should hit soon after.
Not sure what will be released, but heard there will be some pr's once the company regains "PINK" status.
I still see a yield sign 😕
Strong Revenue numbers in Dec 31, Qtr.
RHCO Website has News of filings and additional Statements from Company: Filing of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023 Financial Statements with OTC Markets