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10/08/15 10:51 PM

#164925 RE: ToucanYoucan #164923

True enough. However, even if SRGE existed, and has or had any rights to the claims, which has never been proven, or if MSJ actually is found to be active, and wins the rights, and decides to be nice to SRGE longs, and reward them, the payoff would be miniscule, at least compared to the stratospheric numbers that have been bandied about.

Of course, no sane person would ever think that SRGE or its longs will ever win anything.


10/09/15 11:13 AM

#164926 RE: ToucanYoucan #164923

And the SRGE Fraud never owned or worked Cinco or GC.

It was all a Fraud to steal investors money on this OTC scam.
