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10/07/15 8:54 AM

#45781 RE: Alaskindream #45776

Both interesting points. Having the certifications and having to uphold those certifications does still make TPAC a eyebrow raiser as a potential business venture. It does still put them as the front runner for parts that meet these specifications if the US and China change laws that would require parts manufacturers to meet these needs. As of now, a mf can simply make a part and slap a "guarantee" on it. Guaranteed what? You guys remember the scene from the movie Tommy Boy where he talks about the "guarantee" label?

Tommy: "Think about it, Ted, why would someone put a guarantee on the box? hmm, very interesting. You figure ya put the box under your pillow at night, the guarantee fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?"

Ted: "So why put the guarantee on the box"

Tommy: "Cause they know all they sold you was a guranteed piece of $hit. Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and put guarantee on it, I will, I got spare time."

MF companies that only have a guarantee on the box, dont and can't actually guarantee what they are selling you is actually "guaranteed". BUT, TPAC....has the certifications and qualifications from a third party specification standard. A third party that just happens to have pretty strict standards as the government pours billions into the defense budget. Having top of the line parts, top of the line equipment, and top of the line requirements. Current mf companies....just have a "guarantee". $hit in a box =)
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10/07/15 9:03 AM

#45782 RE: Alaskindream #45776

It sure sounded like it was over. In fact bill said it was over.