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10/07/15 9:34 AM

#13630 RE: jlcl4353 #13629

As far as the accomplishments go:

1. Issued patents for their proprietary processes

They are losing their patents to Annon who has them as collateral to their unpaid loan.

2. FL and LA have provided tax free bond financing for at least 5 plants.

No patents - no bonds

3. Everything they can produce for 20 plus years is Sold

Urea fertilizer is a commodity with a price (like coffee, etc). Once produced can be sold to anyone for 50 years at the commodity price at that time.

4. Experienced competent CEO and board

Important board that are subject to your experienced alleged criminal who is doing nothing for the shareholders but diluting them illegally and blaming everyone else but himself to what's been happening to the company while he was its CEO. All Those years!


10/08/15 6:56 AM

#13644 RE: jlcl4353 #13629

As I have said, I DO have safety concerns (biomass is NOT safe, especially in a neighborhood) which is what started my research into the company. However, during that research, I have found MANY inconsistencies in this company that make me not trust them at all. I have also found inconsistencies in their press releases that also makes them sound like run around. I'm not wasting my time listing them specifically because I get accused of not understanding business and not knowing what I'm talking about. I'm also told it's "common for start up companies". By the way, I know a lot more than any of you give me credit for. As far as the local government, don't worry, I'm dealing with that too. And IF Bionitrogen is for real, they better be keeping an eye on them too. Everyone of you are entitled to believe what you want to believe, JUST AS I AM. One day, maybe not for many years down the road (after all, it's been going on for many years already) we'll find out who is correct.