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10/06/15 9:41 AM

#437494 RE: AZCowboy #437491

I agree pard
Like I said many many yrs ago,
And still make out like bandits and all here will take it and run for the hills , NOW here is the cool part thanks in PART TO S&G NATE AND AND AND THE JUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!
For grins(TCR) lets say there are 50b in assets FOR GRINS, even at a discounted rate of say 33% its 18.3 b.

Now the 18.3 pays over face and gives WMIH 450mill CASH , BUT WAIT it's not done yet , it ALSO gives WMIH the balance of those mortgages 33 bill over the life of em.

Now I know these numbers may be WAY off as to what may or may not come here but you get the jest of it.............
Even at a discounted rate WMIH makes money and for all intents STEALS THE PAPER AWAY form LTI.
But owners of WMIH benefit , legacy holders benefit(LT) , all are happy , EVEN THOUGH WE GOT F%#KED

AND NOT ONE LAWSUIT WILL BE FILED or if it IS FILED there will not be a court in the land that will hear it. IT's over after that point and the horse is OUT OF THE BARN

Royal Dude

10/06/15 10:55 AM

#437503 RE: AZCowboy #437491

Said much better and develops a realistic summation of what will happen here. Thxs Az

Boris the Spider

10/06/15 12:07 PM

#437512 RE: AZCowboy #437491

AZ, I agree. Thanks. My feeling is this:

I think we will see some strong activity in WMI or maybe even escrows in the next 2 months. By EOY certainly. But - could be any day.

The escrow machinations are so complex that anything goes really,but we need to keep in mind that the big boys want their money even more than we do!!

I also think we will receive a minimum of 4 posits, with MUCH more over time.

All in all I like our chances. I am concerned about the corruption of this administration, but I like Lynch MUCH more than Holder so that helps, however even she is still a minion of BO. Not good.

If justice prevails we are fine. If the world doesn't implode we are fine. Two big factors in the process folks. And the big boys know this too so they are having their accountants and lawyers work on all this feverishly as we speak. And again, us gladly riding their coattails......