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09/24/15 8:29 PM

#195291 RE: poorgradstudent #195274


But has he ever spent money on R&D in a meaningful manner?

Yes. RE-024 for PKAN was created on his watch and is now in phase 1.

Have any of his prior companies ever completed a meaningful clinical trial? Published any papers? Developed a next-generation compound for a disease of choice?

Not quite yet. Sparsenetan is supposed to finish enrolling later this year. Of course it remains to be seen whether it was well sized (I think it was), well run (we'll have to wait to FDA review), and whether the endpoint really is acceptable to the FDA (I think this is a substantive risk).

All that said, of course the biggest risk to Turing is probably that, at the very best, he is going to be very distracted by his legal and PR problems. (Today's Newsweek article is one of the better I've seen on this - although it does make the almost universal mistake of strongly implying patients would be directly financially hurt by his price raise.). And it is already very clear he is not a long term focus kinda guy.

BTW - a reasonable summary of Shkreli, the man, was published by Herper today.