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IL Padrino

06/23/06 6:07 AM

#257907 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

I haven't been to this board in weeks because I didn't see the point in ranting about my lost $$. However, I'm glad I read your post today.
If a judge denied them to file for bankruptcy, that would explain why it wasn't done yet. If Fan was innocent in all of this, I hope he doesn't get punished for Franks actions. The runners left on base when he came into the game shouldn't be charged to his ERA.

So, what is the best possible scenario if this is true?
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06/23/06 7:31 AM

#257910 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

That is good new but I already knew about it. Thought it is still premature to share but it's good someone said it.

From what I've heard the head of criminal task and labor board was adviced by Fan his not going BK yet. Because the court would take too long and they are taking things into their own hands. They kind of agreed but will pursuit Frank non the less. All parties involved in saving assets understood the risks but have an objective of geting money for employee and vendors. That speaks a lot and DA/labor board thought that was very unique. By the way, my source told me Fan asked them to visit the studio to gather computer, files and other missing documents that were missing when he attempted to retriev it last week.

Good post Tom, keep us inform and tell Chris I don't have bad thoughts about him and it's a bit of misunderstand we all had.

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IL Padrino

06/23/06 8:30 AM

#257911 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

I wonder why they haven't halted trading on the stock yet. I hope no one buys this thing thinking the crap is over.
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06/23/06 9:18 AM

#257914 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

Good news Thomas...hope it is true. I would have thought it was more of a federal action but I will take anything at this point. What a great day it will be when that POS Olsen and his cohorts in crime rot in prison.
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06/23/06 11:11 AM

#257921 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

Thanks for the update, Tom. Please tell Chris it's appreciated. The LA D.A.? Anyone know if this means it's just a state action, perhaps because of the the labor violations? I'm hoping for federal D.A. action on the investor fraud too.
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06/23/06 5:18 PM

#257927 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

If the LA DA is involved then there has already been police involvement. The police have to generate a criminal report that is then forwarded to the DA's office.
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06/23/06 9:56 PM

#257936 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

Good eom!!!
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06/23/06 10:21 PM

#257937 RE: thomasagaughan #257906

Thanks Thomas for the update!!