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Seminole Red

09/21/15 4:34 PM

#289287 RE: harvard_88 #289284

great, need to reduce the crowd .

we should start a pool for who goes next....

Lindsey graham ?


09/21/15 5:18 PM

#289288 RE: harvard_88 #289284

God man but I'm glad he's out. Early on I was a Walker fan. I had seen little of him speaking. I only knew him by his work in Wisconsin.

IMO, he was a disaster at campaigning. He looked different at most of his appearances. You could see that his handlers were truing to mold him into something he wasn't.

Would probably have made a good President, but you have to be elected before you serve.



09/21/15 5:37 PM

#289290 RE: harvard_88 #289284

Really too bad! Scott Walker was my favorite going into the elections. He just lost his mojo! Now, I would like to know who the idiot in his campaign was that told him to try his amusing Trump quip at the start of last week's debate, "We don't need another Apprentice..." ?

What a fool! Plenty of Trump attackers on stage there! If he would have come out swinging talking about how he defeated the Public Employee Unions in WI and would do the same for America from The White House, I am sure he would have had a sizable bump from the debate and definite bump in money to keep him going! Instead, he never made his victories clear to the general public, so those who had not followed him closely, or lived in or near WI, just had no idea who he really was!


09/22/15 10:42 AM

#289321 RE: harvard_88 #289284

Yes, one down, too many to go.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Progressive Liberal Politics Must Die Today
So That Freedom Can Be Sure Tomorrow!!!