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09/21/15 4:11 PM

#10223 RE: hotrod34racer #10222

Congrats! WTG!

Liked what you said about no gmo and feeding your kids. BINGO!

When one is doing what brings them joy it is easier to handle the health issues. I hope the farm eating REAL food not full of poison from pour grocery store will help you.

Health issues suck. They have completely changed both my Wife and I our life plans.

Is that the olympia area in Washington?

When I was a kid we use to drive by there on the way to G&G's farm in McCleary. My Grandpa worked at Simpson mill for quite few years and they had cattle and then changed it to a chicken farm.

Spent a week there every summer on their farm and we'd visit often.
Some really good memories there.


09/21/15 7:18 PM

#10226 RE: hotrod34racer #10222

Looking good! Wish I could do the same. Keep up the good work.


09/23/15 8:40 PM

#10234 RE: hotrod34racer #10222

I applaud your decision in running a mini-farm instead working a 9-5 job, which I wrongly did for decades.

My happiest moments have been tending my city garden for the last 12 years in retirement. I work my butt off and now sleep soundly.

Good luck,
