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09/19/15 2:37 PM

#289096 RE: harvard_88 #289094

I DVR Morning Joe every morning during the week and do enjoy that. They do not pretend to be anything other than open to all views and that is what they deliver.

I will watch Bill O depending on his guests and Hannity as well. Used to watch The Five, but the site of Bush Pimp Dana Perino just makes me sick, so gave up on that now too.

FYI, saw some rumors that Bill O will be moving to CNN? Not sure if there is any credence to that or not? I think Hannity is in 2017 when he moves out of NY too.


09/19/15 2:37 PM

#289097 RE: harvard_88 #289094

They have this wonderful thing called the Internet these days ...



09/19/15 2:47 PM

#289098 RE: harvard_88 #289094

I quit all of Fox News. I get my news from from local TV News, but I speed through most of it. I still get most of my news online and from several different sources. Most all of TV news is entertainment driven, totally unworthy of my time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Progressive Liberal Politics Must Die Today
So That Freedom Can Be Sure Tomorrow!!!


09/19/15 3:58 PM

#289110 RE: harvard_88 #289094

When I say I am done with Fox News, I mean I am done with Fox News TV; although I still read Fox News website, I have always used many websites for news.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Progressive Liberal Politics Must Die Today
So That Freedom Can Be Sure Tomorrow!!!


09/19/15 5:15 PM

#289119 RE: harvard_88 #289094

Harvard, I remain a fan of FOX News. I have few litmus tests so don't bust them because every word uttered there doesn't fit my views.

I'd rather yell at Alan Combes and Juan Williams than virtually do without Col. Alan West, Sheriff David Clarke, Col Tony Schaffer, Gen Scales, Col Oliver North, Mark Levin, Mark Steyn and others.

Harris Falkner, Neil Cavuto, Angela Tanterros, Jennifer Griffith, James Rosen, Judge Jenneen and John Stoffel are among the best.

I'll speak up for Megyn She's had some very worthwhile interviews. ( I could have said tremendous, spectacular or phenomenal, but I get enough of that from The Donald.

Two of her interviews come to mind. he interviewed Zek Emmanuel. One of the architects of Obama care. She paddled him like a pimple faced fraternity pledge. Before it was over he was spewing more saliva than he was swallowing.

I live 35 miles from where the Oklahoma woman was beheaded by a Muslim fanatic. That event had an impact on me. Megyn interviewed the woman that was being beheaded before her boss shot the Maniac. Her boss is a civilian Cleveland County, OK sheriff's deputy.

He kept his Sheriff' s Department issued AR -15 in his office. When he heard the screaming he grabbed his rifle and shot the Maniac as he was cutting the woman's throat. It was the only interview that the woman had given.

It was a riveting interview. The Boss Man has faded into obscurity even though it's one of the best Armed Citizen stories out there. The story made guns look good. No one touched it but FOX News and Megyn Kelly.

Yea. There's the internet. f you want unfair and unbalanced try separating the wheat from the chaff in Internet World. Today I read a story that probably came off the Internet, that tried to pout a rational face on Trump inferring that Kelly was "on the rag" because of the questions she asked him.

The story said that there was a 20% chance she was on the rag. So, from now on, guys, when we have a dispute with any woman we can say "There is a 20% chance you are on the rag. So there!

The other day I said that I have been married 3 times. Over the years I've worked with women that may as well have worn a Kotex pad pinned to the outside of their dress's as a "don't screw with me!. I'm havng my period!" warning. Been three-done that with "on the rag".

I'll use a Trump word here. It is Stupid for a candidate for the US Presidency to infer a woman is on the rag because she pisses him off.

That's not jst a PC violation. It's a CS violation (Common Sense)

Gotta go. There's something on FOX News I want to watch.