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09/15/15 4:41 PM

#96014 RE: tdbowieknife #96013

You mean they now need a better attorney?
Wow that's interesting


09/15/15 4:43 PM

#96015 RE: tdbowieknife #96013

SEC preparing for trail and adding a respected Texas trial Attorney to the team... Chris Davis.

LMFAO ....

This is what. The 4th attorney ?

First the Asst Director of The Fort Worth Sector Jessica Magee district hands the baton off to :

Jennifer Brandt, who has decades of experience putting criminals behind bars. Also known as a heavy hitter. Note she was barred 18 years ago. A far cry from decades and being put behind bars is not an option here as the case is civil. Ten who hands the baton off to :

Samantha Cox, the junior attorney who was spoon fed the evidence from THE HALLIN GROUP, and also retrieved a lot data simply by copy and paste methods from social media, who now hands the baton off to :

Chris Davis. Who's on deck now ?

If the case is such a cake walk because of Mount Bullshit of evidence, why do they keep bringing in a different attorney. Now this one is respected.

Respected by who ??? Oh, the 70 % of the people in the cases he has lost in court. They only win 30 %

I can't make this up


09/15/15 4:51 PM

#96017 RE: tdbowieknife #96013

Perhaps he is re writing the Schlesinger motion , could be they needed somebody who would be able to come up with the facts necessary to be able to move forward. Sounds more like the present attorneys were in a corner and had to bring in a bean counter attorney to try to connect the dots, this should have been a walk in the park with the mountain of evidence right? This is funny.
I would actually like to see this go to trial I hope it does, I want to see the SEC prove treaty insiders pumped and dumped the Belize deal. They claim they did not (but if they did I'd be pissed.)
If it were so clear they would not need another expert though I'm afraid. I guess they are going to need better facts in some areas


09/15/15 4:52 PM

#96019 RE: tdbowieknife #96013

How is this known that Chris Davis will be on the team that handles the civil trial against Treaty and the other defendants?


09/15/15 4:56 PM

#96020 RE: tdbowieknife #96013

Did Chris call to let it be known he is now in charge, nice to get most of my dd from this site, does the sec have a link here?
Also are the fab 9/23 supposed to be nervous even more now?
By the time this goes to trial maybe Clarence Thomas will be representing the government. Lmao


09/15/15 5:13 PM

#96026 RE: tdbowieknife #96013

The link you provided is signed by Jennifer Brandt. How do you know Chris Davis is on the team?