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09/03/15 2:48 PM

#16808 RE: gatesoft55 #16806

What did happen over there?

I am particularly perplexed about UCB/BNL/USAF?
They were so happy with how things were going with the SLM/LADAR that they were moving onto something in 7/2014 called an Optical Correlater. Than boom like so many times before LWLG cancels the project without us understanding what is going on. So our first sell of the goo amounted to nothing...because it didn't work, LWLG personnel have bad manners, someone outside sabotaged the deal.

I dont care if you are pro or anti prospects of LWLG the history of strategic partnerships and productization just plain fails the smell test.
You all remember the names...celestech, fiberlogix, LMT, LSS/Microelectronic company/company named after a fruit...etc.etc.

Maybe Lebby can fix things. I just dont know what to think anymore.
To me its maddening.