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06/20/06 5:56 PM

#29250 RE: multivalue #29249

I don't think people like FORTUNE think that far ahead. Anyone that would say they were waiting for a blockbuster PR to sell tells me all I need to know about FORTUNE. He/she is nothing more than someone looking for a quick buck not a good company and FORTUNE is someone that will blame everyone else for his/her own failures.

FORTUNE says that Huff screwed him/her but cites no evidence for that statement. I am down a lot of money on paper right now but I don't see that I have been screwed. I knew going in what I was getting into.

This company has lost credibility because of the personal attacks and probably the over exuberance of a still relatively young CEO who did what was required by the SEC announcing the Russian Deal and then didn't respond properly to the MF article and the other negative press including the lawsuits.

I didn't invest in GTE because of the Russian Deal, I invested because of the many businesses GTE is involved in and thus large revenue and profit streams available with the Strat being the icing on the cake.

Time will tell whether I made a good or bad investment but I haven't lost a dime yet because I haven't sold a share of my stock. My investment is down but will result in a loss only if I see now which I am not going to do.

I don't feel screwed because revenue continues to grow over previous years and I believe we are on the verge of something huge. I could be wrong but if I am I lose, not FORTUNE.