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09/01/15 4:41 PM

#94758 RE: Myth #94757

From Company Website in 2012. Hopefully more now.

Cord Blood America, Inc. Company Overview
In response to growing global demand to collect and cryogenically preserve stem cells, Cord Blood America, Inc.
(CBAI) offers a storage service to “bank” infant cord blood stem cells for future use exclusively by the enrolling
CBAI earns revenue through a one-time enrollment and processing fee, and through an annually recurring
storage and maintenance fee. With three storage facilities in three countries, CBAI currently stores and services
approximately30,000 samples.
The company does not conduct stem cell research or development, nor conduct clinical trials.


09/01/15 7:42 PM

#94763 RE: Myth #94757

A quick look at cord blood registry buyout, valuing CBAI at the same rate would give it about 35 million market cap which would be 6 to 7x where we're at now