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09/01/15 1:41 PM

#233095 RE: InternetForumUser #233092

But having read what the position of a major Broker is... doesn't that make you change your mind? Or yo still think they are lying?

For me that is BTW the most logical attitude of any Broker, not to do any thing... and I dont know what happened last year, but the rules for this year are christal clear

So coming back to my original question... With 40% of NO votes to begin with howcome the BoD made such a proposal?
I know that many here think the BoD is stupid? But I dont think they are that stupid


09/01/15 1:48 PM

#233097 RE: InternetForumUser #233092

I've been reading on this subject too, as to how the brokers vote in proxies, I'm new to this.

On page 11, #16 of TD Ameritrade's Client Agreement it reads

"I retain the right and obligation to vote any proxies relating to the securities held in my TD Ameritrade Investing Account. Amerivest does not acquire or
exercise proxy voting on my behalf.
I will receive proxy materials directly from the securities issuer, their service providers, or TD Ameritrade. Amerivest
will not advise me on the voting of proxies. Any proxy voting must be exercised by me directly."

It would seem to me that at least TD Ameritrade will not vote any proxie on the clients behalf. Someone correct me if I'm referencing in error. Could I assume correctly, if the prior is correct, that the majority of other brokers would follow the same and not cast a vote?

If so, the proxie's reference that Tradero highlighted "Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as votes “against” this proposal." should equate to automatic failure of #3 based on the history of non-broke votes cast in the past, or confirming the point that Tradero is making.

Can anyone confirm or deny the same?

BCS Paladin

09/01/15 2:05 PM

#233104 RE: InternetForumUser #233092

Brokerage Firms will VOTE YES for all Proposals which are classified as ROUTINE. This is the one reason, I stated it is technically an automatic YES VOTE.

EXCEPT so far we have had NO ONE tell us their Broker actually votes for client.

All we have heard is the BROKERS stay out of the elections.

I don't care what the Brokers can do,

I only care what they ACTUALLY DO.